The mild summer breeze strokes the leaves of young linden trees and gently, almost barely, moves the petals of the flowers blooming in the rosary. The smell of flowering roses enchants walkers in the garden, and there, on the edge of the bank overlooking the sea, stands a magnificent pink-white building. No one yet asks, “But where was the palace?”.

Time Portal “VR Toila 1938” offers 2 virtual tours to discover:

  • Part I “VR Toila 1938” takes you on an introductory journey through history of Oru Park. It is early in the morning and you begin your journey, learning the stories of the construction and renovation of the Oru Palace. You’ll enjoy a time-laps sunrise and peek into the large dining hall. You journey will end by watching the sunset in the palace tower.
  • Part II “In the Footsteps of Lost Glory” brings to life the large hall of the palace with its extremely rich decor. In front of you are the views of the great hall of the summer residence of the Head of State, which is illustrated by massive chandeliers with blue-purple crystals and the ceiling mural of the artist Vladimir Makovsky.

Come and experience the exciting opportunity to travel in the historic Toila-Oru Park!
Starting point in Oru Park at full hours. We recommend booking!


Audio guide in Estonian, Russian, English, Latvian, Lithuanian, Finnish and German. Duration: ~40 min.



Virtuaalreaalse 1938. aasta Oru lossi ja pargi loomist uue atraktiivse teenuse osutamiseks Toilas on toetatud Kirderanniku Koostöökogu LEADER projektitoetuse meetmest “Ettevõtluse arendamine ja kompetentsi tõstmine”. Projekti eesmärk on pakkuda külastajatele VR prillide kaudu elava ajaloo kogemust ning võimalust võrrelda vahetult kunagist pargikeskkonda tänasega. Lahendus aitab kinnistada Toila olulisust Eesti ühe tähenduslikuma mälupaigana ning tuua esile Toila ja laiemalt Ida-Virumaa tulevikku suunatud vaadet, koos innovaatilise mõtlemise ning kaasaegsetele lahendustele orienteeritusega.

Kodulehe tegemine - Vulpes Digital Vulpes Digital